I-CPIE is developing and promoting a community of successful interdisciplinary research teams working in the area of cyber physical infrastructure and energy systems, which are the interdependent and increasingly adaptive systems that underpin all aspects of our society and economy.

I-CPIE in the News

I-CPIE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan

Upcoming Inclusion and Equity Events


LU - Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Training

  • The EVERFI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online training course (sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs & the Health Advancement and Prevention Strategies office) covers identity & selfhood, imposter syndrome, identity transitions, power & privilege, oppression bias & unconscious bias, respect and allyship, and self care.

  • In this online diversity and inclusion training, participants will:

    • Learn about key concepts related to identity, bias, power, privilege and oppression

    • Understand the benefits of being part of a diverse community

    • Develop skills related to ally behavior, self-care, and creating inclusive spaces.

  • This training is self-paced, and takes about one hour to complete.

  • Upon successful completion of the EVERFI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) will provide two follow up sessions:

    • Antiracism 101:  The Foundations of Antiracism

      • This workshop will explore the basic concepts and principles of Antiracism.  Workshop participants will engage in meaningful conversations about the construction of race and racism and what it means to become antiracist.

    • Antiracism 102:  The Antiracist Action Plan

      • This workshop will allow participants to develop concrete strategies for confronting racism and white supremacy.  Workshop participants will engage in the development of an Antiracist action plan that will allow participants to create commitments for change in all aspects of their daily lives. 

  • Click above title for information on how to sign up.  


Faculty Opportunities