Lehigh offers vibrant and multidisciplinary graduate programs that reflect its long legacy of excellence in research and scholarship. Prospective students are encouraged to apply and reach out to I-CPIE faculty to learn about research projects and openings. Research assistantships, fellowships and teaching assistantships are available for graduate student support. Additionally, I-CPIE faculty often advise and guide projects in related interdisciplinary Masters programs like Energy Systems Engineering, Environmental Policy, and the NSF National Research Traineeship (NRT) at Lehigh University, SEED EF.
Lehigh has a rich tradition of encouraging and supporting research experiences for undergraduates. I-CPIE research teams seek opportunities to engage undergraduate students in their efforts. Prospective and current undergraduate students are encouraged to reach out to I-CPIE faculty to learn about opportunities to participate in interdisciplinary research on either the cyber or physical aspects of infrastructure and energy systems.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
This ATLSS program brings together students from various universities across the country and exposes them to a well-rounded professional development experience. Students can participate in an ATLSS project, for example:
- the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) program,
- the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) funded Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multi-Modal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS) Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Center (UTC) program, or
- the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA) program.
The program’s activities include professional skills development workshops and seminars, onsite outreach activities, and offsite tours. In addition, students are assigned to an active research project at ATLSS under the direction of a project Principal Investigator and graduate student mentor to help them navigate through the research project experience. The program culminates with a final report, presentation, and poster on the students' research findings.
In 2021, I-CPIE directors and staff collaborated with the Biosystems Dynamics Summer Institute (BDSI), funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and led by Biological Sciences Professors Vassie Ware and Neal Simon. They developed, promoted, and led a broad program of research and professional development for undergraduates named STEM Summer Institutes (STEM-SI). This program focused on students from under-represented groups in STEM fields and extended the reach of BDSI more broadly across STEM fields, providing support for an increased number of students (approximately 80 students participated in 2021) compared to previous years. The STEM-SI program included research opportunities for the participating students in addition to academic and industry based technical seminars, professional development workshops, and group networking activities. STEM-SI included faculty mentorship by several I-CPIE faculty and included project funding through PITA, NHERI, and several individually sponsored research projects. The program culminated in a Research Day poster session, which in collaboration with Lehigh’s Mountaintop Initiative, Data Impact, and Physics REU programs, brought well over 120 undergraduate researchers together to highlight their summer research experiences.