ERC grad student wins ‘Excellence in R&D’ award

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Energy Research Center (ERC) graduate student Gabriel Bonsall ’23, who is pursuing a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, won the Best Student Poster and Excellence in Research and Development award at the 2024 FECM/NETL Spring R&D Project Review Meeting.

The meeting, which was held April 23-25 in Pittsburgh, is a public platform for sharing the outcomes of over 90 research initiatives backed by the National Energy Technology Lab (NETL) in support of the programs under the purview of the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM). The meeting covered the following FECM program areas: Gasification Systems, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Turbines, Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Sensors & Controls, Simulation-Based Engineering, and University Training and Research. 

Bonsall is working at the ERC under the supervision of research scientist Zheng Yao and Dr. Carlos Romero, ERC Director and Research Full Professor, on a project entitled “Integration of LIBS with Machine Learning for Real-Time Monitoring of Feedstock in H2 Gasification Applications.” This project aims to advance the development of a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy method, integrated with artificial intelligence, to measure feedstock properties in situ and in real time, as feedstocks are fed to hydrogen gasifiers. These measurements would enhance control capabilities of these gasifiers. The project is a collaboration between Lehigh University and the Energy Research Company, GTI Energy, and SpG Consulting, LLC.