March 16, 2020

I-CPIE Director Richard Sause featured in Lehigh Spring 2020 Bulletin

In 1986, when Lehigh created the ATLSS (Advanced Technology for Large-Structural Systems) Engineering Research Center in partnership with the National Science Foundation, the concept of interdisciplinary team science was far from the norm. Perhaps, even revolutionary. “Lehigh made an enormous investment of space and financial resources to make the vision of the ATLSS ERC—engineers from different specialties working alongside materials scientists, computer scientists, chemists and economists to address America’s crumbling infrastructure—a reality,” says Director Richard...
March 16, 2020

Professor Mayuresh Kothare wins the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Professor Mayuresh V. Kothare, Department Chairman and the R. L. McCann Professor has won the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. Professor Kothare was one among seven alumni who were recognized in 2020. IIT Bombay confers the Distinguished Alumnus Awards (DAA) every year to those who have reached positions of eminence in the areas of Business, Academics, Research, Government, Public Service and Entrepreneurship. These individuals would have "distinguished themselves...
January 13, 2020

A novel way to watch paint dry

James Gilchrist working with PPG, Case Western to apply microrheology to auto paints—an approach that could slash car makers' energy use, costs